Virtual Lunch and Learn: Stratton Meadows Rain Garden and Flood Forest

Ever wonder what is done with the money that CASFM awards in our Research Grants? Come hear about the progress that 2023 CASFM Research Grant awardee Fountain Creek Watershed District has made in building their residential rain garden project! Click here for the flyer Stratton Meadows Rain Garden and Food Forest Thursday, September 19, 2024...

YMG S Platte River Cleanup

On Thursday, September 19th, we will be joining Protect Our Rivers in a South Platte River Cleanup at City of Cuernavaca Park in Denver. This is an event we participated in last year and had a great time doing so, even taking home the prize for heaviest item!   Sign up Here for Protect Our Rivers...

CASFM Toastmasters

Mile High Flood District 12575 W Bayaud Ave, Lakewood, CO, United States

9/25 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Hybrid Format in MHFD Board Room / Microsoft Teams CASFM Toastmasters is a safe, welcoming, and constructive space to practice public and impromptu speaking with confidence, overall communication skills, giving and receiving feedback, and leadership skills. Get to know your CASFM peers and continue your own professional development....

2024 Annual Conference

Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort and Spa 136 East Thomas Place, Beaver Creek, CO, United States

See the Annual Conference page for details.

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research Grant and Disaster Grant) that CASFM awards each year which O&T is responsible for advertising and reviewing applications. This committee is also in charge of...

Stormwater Quality Field Trip: Panorama Park

Please join the CASFM Stormwater Quality Committee and Southeast Region on Thursday, October 17th at 1:30pm for a field tour of Panorama Park in Southeast Colorado Springs. Panorama Park has numerous accolades, among them are the demonstration of how stormwater quality and quantity treatment can be woven into site design. This was accomplished by integrating volume reduction practices throughout the...

Dove Creek Channel Restoration Tour

SEMSWA 7437 S Fairplay St, Centennial, CO, United States

Please join the CASFM Outreach & Training Committee at a FREE tour, led by SEMSWA and CCBWQA, of the recently completed Dove Creek Restoration project in southern Centennial.  Tour space is limited to 25 attendees, so don't delay in registering! The tour will be followed by a Metro Region happy hour nearby, details to be...

CASFM Toastmasters

Mile High Flood District 12575 W Bayaud Ave, Lakewood, CO, United States

10/30 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Hybrid Format in MHFD Board Room / Microsoft Teams CASFM Toastmasters is a safe, welcoming, and constructive space to practice public and impromptu speaking with confidence, overall communication skills, giving and receiving feedback, and leadership skills. Get to know your CASFM peers and continue your own professional development....

CASFM Book Club

CASFM Book Club has not yet selected a book to discuss for this meeting. Please reach out to Brenna Wood ( or Frans Lambrechtsen ( if you are interested in joining. Our book club is virtual! Whether you’ve done all the reading or none, you’re always welcome at book club. Happy reading!

General Membership Meeting

Matrix Design Group 2435 Research Pkwy #300, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

  Previous Minutes: Agenda:   Meeting link: Meeting number: 2866 383 8018 Meeting password: MPwhHiiW733 Join from a video or application Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Meeting password for video system 67944449 Join by phone +1-650-479-3208 Toll Access code: 28663838018 Global call-in numbers Meeting password for...
