General Membership Meeting
This meeting will be held at the City of Loveland with a hybrid option. City of Loveland Public Works Administration Building - Conference Room 203 2525 W 1st Street Loveland,...
Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers
This meeting will be held at the City of Loveland with a hybrid option. City of Loveland Public Works Administration Building - Conference Room 203 2525 W 1st Street Loveland,...
Our next membership meeting will be held on Friday, July 7, from 10am to 12pm. The meeting will be a hybrid meeting with an in-person option to be held at...
This will be a hybrid meeting and a Zoom link will be provided for a remote option. The in-person meeting will be held at Matrix Design Group in Colorado Springs.
Happy New Year! Our first CASFM meeting for 2024 will be held this Thursday - January 11th at MHFD (12575 W. Bayaud Ave., Lakewood, CO 80228) starting at 9am. In the...
Zoom only meeting due to weather Agenda: Past Meeting Draft Minutes Draft Minutes - 2024-01-11 Meeting Information: CASFM Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: CASFM...
Our next CASFM General Meeting will May 9th at City of Loveland Public Works Building at 2525 W 1st St, Loveland, CO 80537 starting at 9am Draft Minutes from March Meeting March...
Draft Meeting Minutes: Meeting Packet: Topic: General Membership Meeting Time: Jul 12, 2024 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting ...
Meeting Agenda Packet In-person meeting will be held at MHFD offices. A remote option is available through Microsoft Teams: ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID:...
In-person meeting will be held at Jacobs' offices. A remote option will be available through WebEx.
In-person meeting will be held at City of Loveland offices. A remote option will be available through WebEx.