January General Membership Meeting

Mile High Flood District 12575 W Bayaud Ave, Lakewood, CO, United States

Meeting Agenda Packet In-person meeting will be held at MHFD offices. A remote option is available through Microsoft Teams: ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID:...

March General Membership Meeting

Jacobs 6312 S Fiddlers Green Cir, Ste 300N, Greenwood Village, CO, United States

In-person meeting will be held at Jacobs' offices. Remote WebEx Option: https://elliselsner-998.my.webex.com/elliselsner-998.my/j.php?MTID=m338fbd6628006350834b1a06927fa6d7

May General Membership Meeting

City of Loveland 2525 W 1st St, Loveland, Colorado, United States

In-person meeting will be held at City of Loveland offices. A remote option will be available through WebEx.
