Floodplain Management Committee Meeting

The Floodplain Management Committee is meeting on February 27th from 9:30-10:30. Please reach out to Monica Borolini (Monica.Bortolini@longmontcolorado.gov) to be added to the meeting invite.

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Happy Hour

This month we are holding a happy hour for anyone interested in learning more about the O&T Committee! We will meet at 5pm at the Odell Brewing Sloan's Lake Brewhouse...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...

Outreach & Training Monthly Meeting

The CASFM Outreach & Training Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month. We plan educational events including trainings, tours, and lunch and learns. There are also two grants (Research...
