Beginning in 2020, the CASFM Engineering Excellence Project Award was divided into two main categories: Construction and Non-Construction projects. The awards are given in alternating years.

If you would like a copy of an award winners presentation or abstract, please email

Past CASFM Engineering Excellence Award Winners

2024Kennys Run GreenwayConstruction
2023Wildfire Ready WatershedsNon-Construction
2022Cherry Creek (Quebec to Iliff) Corridor Improvement ProjectConstruction
2021Globeville Stormwater Systems StudyNon-Construction
2020Sanderson Gulch Channel ImprovementsConstruction
2019US 34 Big Thompson Canyon Flood Recovery Project
2018Emergency Watershed Protection Program, Colorado Water Conservation Board
2017Little Dry Creek Park
2016South Platte River Vision Implementation Program: Grant-Frontier Park to Overland Pond Park
2015Cherry Creek Valley Ecological Park
Arapahoe County Open Space, Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority, Muller Engineering Company, Valerian
2014To Move a River – Saving Loveland’s Water Supply
City of Loveland, Ayres Associates, and Tetra Tech
2013Lefthand Creek Flood Control Project
City of Longmont, Muller, Wenk, ERO, Naranjo
2012Canal Importation Ponds and Outfall Design
City of Fort Collins, Ayres Associates, and Anderson Consulting Engineers
2011Piney Creek Stream Stabilization, Bridge and Storm Sewer Project
SEMSWA, UDFCD, Arapahoe County, Centennial, and Ayres Associates
2010Elmer’s Twomile Greenways Project by the City of Boulder, Urban Drainage, WH Pacific, and Centennial Engineering
2009South Platte River Globeville and North Areas Flood Control and Greenways Project
2008Montclair Storm Drainage Improvements
City and County of Denver, UDFCD, and WHPacific, Inc.
2007Cherry Creek Stream Restoration and Crossing at 17 Mile House, by the Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, UDFCD, ERO Resources, and Muller Engineering
2006 The Dry Creek Drainage Improvement Project
City of Fort Collins, URS Corporation, and Stantec Engineering.
2005The Grand Junction Combined Sewer Elimination Project in Grand Junction, Colorado.
2004shared by:
Goose Creek Improvements in a Developed Urban Environment in Boulder and
Comprehensive Stormwater Management for the Stapleton Development in Denver
2003 The Historic Arkansas Riverfront Project (HARP) in Pueblo, Colorado.
2002The Locust Street Outfall in Fort Collins, Colorado.
2001 The Grange Hall Creek Channel Improvements in the City of Northglenn, Colorado
2000The Marston Lake North Tributary Outfall in the City and County of Denver, Colorado
1999The Willow Creek Channel Improvements and Sedimentation Pond in Arapahoe County, Colorado
1998 The Implementation of the Rock Creek Stormwater Master Plan in Superior, Colorado
1997The Boulder Creek Watershed Awareness Program in the City of Boulder, Colorado
1996The Goose Creek Channel Improvements in the City of Boulder, Colorado
1995The Foothills Regional Channel in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado
1994Upper Sloan Lake Basin - City of Edgewater and UDFCD.
1993The Kiowa Creek Flood Protection Project in the Town of Wiggins, Colorado
1992CU Research Park, by the University of Colorado-Boulder and Love and Associates
